Wednesday, June 5, 2013

4 Things I Really Like

So, I haven't put much up in a while...

Anyway, here are 5 things that I've really been liking lately.

1. Podcasts 

I've really loved listening to the GMB guys and their fitness podcast. I think it comes out every two weeks or something like that, so it's cool to get regular updates.

Plus, it's really entertaining, so if you're about to head off on a long flight, download this :)

Gold Medal Bodies Foundation 7 program is also pretty cool too. I'm not the only person who thinks so either...

2. Ice Cream 

Okay, I admit it, I have been occasionally known to frequent the ice cream truck that's parked across the street from my place.

But hey, it's summertime, and it's my way to celebrate the warm weather!

3. Parallettes 

I've really been interested in training with parallettes these days.

It's a cool alternative to the rings because parallettes involve more of a pushing motion instead of a pulling motion.

4. Sleeping In 

It's always great to sleep in from time to time. I think a lot of people stay up way too late and don't get enough sleep.

Catching up on your Z's once in a while can really help "reset" you, if you know what I mean.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Gymnastic Rings Inspiration!

I think this gymnastic ring training video is really great.
It's always a good idea to have something to work toward. Even if it seems impossible right now.

With dedication and a little work, you can end up doing anything.

What inspires you to work out?

Maybe it's getting specific tricks or moves?

Or maybe it's something a little deeper like being the strong person your family (or children) need you to be so you can stay healthy and watch them grow up.

What's that thing for you?