Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Stop Punishing Yourself for Health

There you are jogging to the gym at 5 in the morning. The air is crisp and cool. Ths sun still isn't up yet, and you're so tired you can barely keep your eyes peeled. It's the kind of exhausted that you're feeling in the palms of your hands and the bottoms of your feet.

Yet, still here you are, this early in the morning, trying to force in a fast workout before heading off to the office for a whole day of work. This is the cost of fitness after all. This is the price you have to pay to stay in shape and avoid getting a heart attack like your father did.

Next you change in the locker room, and everybody else there is just a catatonic zombie, like you. You walk out to the treadmills and you find a free one. You get on and you start racing like a hamster caught in in a wheel.

Every mile and each minute that ticks by on the distance counter is agonizing and your mind as screaming at you and hunting for any and every reason to stop... To rest... To go back to bed... Or at a minimum enjoy a calming coffee at that coffee shop down the street... Anything besides this torture!

Why do we do this?

Why is exercise more of a burden. More of a pain, rather than something fun to be enjoyed?

Remember back we you were a child? There was no such thing as"exercise" back then. It was all just play. Whether it is a game of tag when you were five or playing basketball with some friends on the weekend when you were fifteen, moving your body was fun.

What has happened to those days? At what point did it get more about chasing reps, counting miles, and logging exercise routines?

Today I am inviting you to stop punishing yourself for fitness. I want to welcome you in to enjoy using your body again. Play with your kids. Spend a little time with your family members or friends doing something physical like hiking or enjoying a sport.

There are a few people out there that teach skill related fitness that really get this.

Remember that moving your body is something that should be pleasurable and fun. Sure, you're an adult now, but does that suggest that you need to live each part of your life seriously? Why not blow off some steam, stop punishing yourself with tedious exercise routines and do something fun today.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

TRX or Rings for Suspension Exercises?

Perhaps you've seen those TRX suspension kits online or at the gym and you have wondered whether or not you could use one to help with your gymnastic ring practice.

Well, first it's vital to understand the similarities and differences between gymnastic rings and a TRX kit.

One thing in common is that both of them are very lightweight, permitting you to take them just about wherever you go.

Another massive thing that they both have going for them is they have a unsound nature which gives you the neuro-stimulation advantage of building solid everyday strength and building the gymnastic body. Maybe that is a bit difficult, but fundamentally it is contrasted with stable exercises that someone does on a floor.

Since the rings or TRX hang readily, you develop a few micro-adjustments to maintain your balance, which only builds the foundation of solid and real strength.

Now for some differences:

The handles of the TRX aren't precisely suited for the differing kinds of gripping you can do with gymnastic rings. If you are serious about suspension exercises, you will likely want to ensure you are using something like rings which should make allowances for a selection of different poses.

TRX suspension kits are way more suited for straightforward exercises. Rings on the other hand, can be used for easy exercises as well as more convoluted and advanced exercises. You can really progress and develop when you have rings, while TRX will constrain you to certain exercises.

Plus, rings are a lot cheaper than TRX. Usually they cost at least half as much!

Do not get me wrong, TRX has its time and its place, but if you're really need to get serious about suspension exercises, then you want to go with gymnastic rings.

So , invest in your fitness (and save a couple of dollars) by getting a pair of rings.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Starting with Ring Training?

Hey so, I've been following what Gold Medal Bodies has been talking about a lot lately...

They say that ring training is a great place to start when it comes to fitness skills because it really helps to build a lot of core strength and balance, which can then be applied to other gymnastic things.

This makes sense and I'm excited to get started with all of this.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Getting Started :)

So, I'm just getting this blog started here.

Please bear with me while I get the hang of this here :)